Just Press Play

I listened to a lot of hair bands growing up in the ‘70s and one thing was for sure – most of them could have cared less about their reputation. I remember reading about wild parties, trashed hotel rooms and out of control concerts. This was the PR (public relations) of a rock star, which in the long run, proved to be of limited value for most of those guys.

What is your PR? Unless you are from a 1970s hair band, you should probably care about your public relations and how you market yourself. Do you have a marketing plan to promote yourself and create positive PR for you and your company? Have you implemented it? When you work on your budget and things are tight, is marketing the first expense you cross off the list?

According to CBSMarketwatch, “Historically, PR, Marketing and Advertising budgets are the first to be cut; however, that could be one of the first mistakes a business makes in an economic crisis.” Are they talking about you?

Lee Haney, a body builder and former Mr. Olympia once said, “PR is extremely important, and being able to use it in the right way means everything. You have to market your success.” Even the body builder gets it. He understands marketing and PR!

Private Practice Millionaires understand this too. As an owner of a business and an executive, they understand the need for a good marketing campaign to attract business and expand. As a technician they want to promote their skills and services to their public. They see the importance of partnering with professionals who assist them in growing and expanding their practice and they constantly strive to improve their knowledge with continuing education such as the Private Practice Millionaire Academy.

Are you a Private Practice Millionaire?