A Financial Plan Built for You.

Our approach is different because that is what you need.

The Problem

Your practice is your biggest and riskiest asset, yet it is typically left out of the financial planning conversation. Additionally, you are probably only meeting with your advisor 1-2x/year for an investment review.

We have found that this ultimately leads to:

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Improperly investing & taking unnecessary investment risk
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Relying on one income source
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Underpaying yourself
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Underfunding your retirement

You Deserve Better!

Ultimately, we find that operating this way can potentially lead to being financially unprepared for retirement and getting burned out.

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Written Financial Plan

A written financial plan outlines your ideal financial life and the exact steps required to get there.  It is the foundation for those who have achieved financial success.

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Policies & Procedures

Good financial policies and agreements between spouses help maintain a happy home. Establish the financial guidelines which keep you on track towards financial independence.

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Business Viability

Your business is likely your biggest and most valuable investment.  Make sure you treat it as an asset that serves the financial needs of your household.

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Income Assurance

Never fear that you will run out of money. Set up the system to ensure you have multiple income streams for life.

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Debt Elimination & Credit Enhancement

Ensure you know exactly when you will be free of destructive debt. Know how to keep your credit in good standing and  utilize constructive debt to build wealth.

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Estate Planning

Never fear that you are leaving your family in peril.  Make sure you have all the basic documents so your assets go to your intended beneficiaries.

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Tax Optimization

Learn the methods to better control your tax liabilities. Have a better understanding of the  deductions which can help save you money every year.

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Asset Protection

You should never fear the effects of a lawsuit. Learn the tools to protect your assets from any kind of attack.

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Investment Planning

Set up your investment portfolio like a professional investor. Learn how to manage your investments like a fiduciary so you can live your ideal life.

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Step Two: Implement Your Plan

A financial plan is only as effective as it is implemented.  It requires ongoing review and advisement with an advisor who understands your business to ensure there is progress toward the financial goals of the household. This is the power of implementing your plan.
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Customized Planning

Financial advisor speaking with a man and woman

Experienced Advice

couple celebrating

Real Results

Our Financial Tools

Achieving financial success requires a combination of good financial habits and good financial products. As part of our planning process, we offer a wide range of solutions and strategies to allow you to build the wealth you desire now and for your eventual retirement.

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Financial Planning

  • Wealth Gap Calculations
  • P&L Financials Review
  • Advanced Tax Strategies
  • Retirement Cash Flow Analysis
  • Exit Planning
  • Frequent Accountability Calls
  • Private Wealth Solutions

Wealth Management

  • Passive Portfolio Management
  • Active Portfolio Management
  • Fixed Income Strategies
  • Alternative Investments
  • Real Estate Investments
  • Charitable Giving
  • Private Wealth Management


  • Cash Value Life Insurance
  • Term Life Insurance
  • Buy-Sell Insurance
  • Annuities with Principal Protection and Guaranteed Income Benefits
  • Long Term Care Insurance
  • Disability Insurance

Results-Based Financial Planning®

Our proprietary financial planning system includes 17 metrics used to track your progress toward your financial goals. Additionally, our process includes 10 key performance indicators (KPI’s) for practice owners who want to take it to the next level and become a Financial Beast®

Check to see if you are becoming A Financial Beast® :

We Can Help You!

Your Path to Financial Freedom Starts Here

What Our Clients Have to Say