Is Your Money Safe?
By Eric S. Miller 2008 was definitely a wakeup call for many. It was the first time since the Great Depression that many people witnessed what could happen to major financial institutions in a matter of days. Lehman Brothers- Gone, Bear Sterns- Gone, Washington Mutual Bank- Gone. And if it weren’t for the backing of […]
The Value of Your Practice Depends on How You Define Your Role
Your practice is a valuable investment asset. The roles you choose to play in the business have everything to do with building value and understanding how to harness the profit to benefit your household. Focusing on building the monetary value of your practice is vital to your personal financial survival in regards to the cash […]
Why Financial DIY = Financial Mediocrity
In my youth, I was insistent on “doing it myself.” Even when I had no prior experience or training in a subject or task, I was determined to learn because a) I thought I could do it better or b) I wanted to save money. And at this point in my life, I had time […]
It’s Going to Cost You. What Are You Willing To Pay?
Since when have you ventured into anything with great results where you had no earlier knowledge of the subject before you started and then magically it all worked out with no exterior guidance (or skinned knees) whatsoever? Right. Never. At a minimum, you watched a video, read an article/book, you took a course (or years […]
How to Salvage Your Business When You Are in a Cash Flow Crunch
While it is an unfortunate reality, at some point in practice ownership you will experience times where your business cash flow is insufficient. This not only feels like a contraction of your business but can also cause you to feel anxious, fearful, and sink you straight into a mindset of scarcity. I have seen this […]
Why the Traditional Retirement Plan is Not For Practice Owners
In any area of life or business, you will find certain advice or circumstances which may be a fit for some people, but not for others. The trouble is that one size does not always fit all. As a practice owner, you have unique opportunities and challenges. Therefore, it only makes sense that you require […]
Keeping Your Attention on Your Business Finances
If you have ever been to the mall with a toddler, you know they require constant attention. The moment you take your attention off the child to look at some clothes or thumb through a magazine, there is a good chance they could be 100 yards away petting a stuffed animal or roaming around near […]
10 Reasons Why Practice Owners Are in a Financial Crisis
Most practice owners are in a financial crisis. Crisis is a strong word. It is defined as a “time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger.” Examples of this would be a drug crisis, a drought crisis, a food crisis, or some kind of health crisis. It is a word that elicits fear, uneasiness, and anxiety. […]
The Financial “Opportunity Trap”
One’s journey to become financially independent is never a straight line upward. There are hills and valleys, successes and failures, and obstacles that seem like they can never be conquered. However, there is one thing I see happen that can put a business owner or entrepreneur on the fast track to financial ruin more than […]
The Practice Owner’s Financial Sweet Spot
If you listen to a professional athlete, they talk about their “sweet spot” when it comes to a particular sport. For them, it’s a certain point on their racket, bat, or club which makes the most effective contact with the ball and delivers the best results. For example, look at Tiger Woods in his prime […]