Will That Be Cash or Charge?

Man cutting a credit card in half

In our current society it is common practice to use credit to pay for our daily life activities. Whether this is in the form of a credit card, a line of credit or a loan, it all falls into the same category: DEBT! Using credit to pay for things can sure make life easier—you don’t […]

Where’s the Beef?

Financial power

Remember that ad from Wendy’s? It made us laugh, but it also made us question the quality of the burgers we were consuming at the time. Wendy’s focused on the quality of their product and challenged the burger industry to step up or lose consumer confidence. Brilliant. Should financial planning be any different? When you […]

What makes you so special?

Doctors in a line giving the thumbs up

You are special because, unlike the average person, you are a private practice owner. Owning your own practice makes you special when it comes to financial planning because your practice is a key contributor to you household finances. Therefore your practice must necessarily be included in your personal financial plan in order to truly have […]