Celebrate Your Financial Victories

Man celebrating on the top of a mountain

When I was growing up, the Chicago Bulls and New York Yankees were the kings of sports.  While I admired how hard they worked to get to the top, one of the most overlooked actions they took every time they won a big series or a championship was just how much they celebrated.   They celebrated […]

10 Important Actions to Help You Navigate the Path to Financial Freedom

compass overtop of financial documents

By and large, people are unhappy when they are confused and disorderly in any area of life. Find a person who appears to be “happy” yet they are surrounded by chaos, and I will show you someone who is actually insane. The area of money is no exception. People are unhappy about their financial situation […]

How to Be an “ACE” With Money

4 aces

If you ever wanted to study the subject of money, then one needs to go no further than Las Vegas. The people who run this town know EXACTLY the basic principles one needs to know to win the game—literally and figuratively. In 2017 it is reported that casinos in Vegas brought in a staggering $26.2 […]

The Cost of Making a Financial Decision During Burnout

Match smoldering

I am about to tell you a story of just how costly it can be to make a financial decision when you are emotionally “burned out,” exasperated, and fed up. SO PAY ATTENTION. Let me tell you about Dr. D. I would put her in the top percentile of practice owners I’ve consulted. Here’s why: […]

Avoiding “RBMs” – 4 Simple Rules

Man holding wad of cash in fist

Tell me if you have heard this story: Business owner has 4 good months where cash flow is good, bills are getting paid, creditors are not calling, a little bit of money is accumulating in the checking account and everything at the practice seems to be calm. Then it hits. The RBM—the REALLY BAD MONTH. […]

The Fast Food Financial Advice Epidemic

Cheeseburger fries and a soft drink

We have all had this experience. We are busy working. We get hungry. We know we shouldn’t, but we just can’t help ourselves. We drive to the nearest fast food joint and get a burger, fries and soft drink. Ah. We are temporarily satisfied. Yet, in the back of our mind, we know we didn’t […]

I Have a Secret to Tell You

Ayn Rand quote

I have a secret to tell you about making more money. First, I want to tell you why we are having this discussion. I did a Google search on ways to make more money and was surprised to find that most of the answers had nothing to do with production or work. The suggestions ranged […]

Changing Your Financial Pace

Man holding arms out to the stars

The long-term survival of a human being, a family, a company, a nation, or a tomato plant for that matter, depends upon its ability to be more right than wrong in the actions it takes. Right actions allow the organism to survive longer, produce more, flourish, and generally have more pleasant experiences. Wrong actions result […]

A Story About Gravity

Cartoon girl floating in the sky holding an umbrella

If you live on planet earth you know about the natural law of gravity. You understand the necessity of it. If you’re like me you’ve probably tested it. I remember the day I jumped off the top of my slide with an umbrella, convinced I could fly like Mary Poppins. I quickly learned that not […]

How to Thrive, Expand & Pay Taxes

As a private practice owner, I have a natural disdain for paying taxes. I see how much my partners and I, and all of our clients pay every year and I dream of all the business expansion and wealth building which could occur if 25-40% of our production was not siphoned off towards the federal […]