Let’s Watch the Grass Grow!

Recently I read this quote from American economist Paul Samuelson: “Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.” For those of you who have been to Las Vegas, you know what he’s talking about. Being in the casinos is an […]

Pass the Wine, Please…

I recently took a trip to France and had the opportunity to tour some wineries. Fascinating business, making wine. Did you know winemakers use satellites to monitor their vineyards? Some of them even have their land divided into grids so that they can monitor the soil and plants in each grid. Then there is the […]

Just Press Play

man pressing play button

If you have ever turned on the TV and saw the infomercial for the INSANITY workout, you would know that it is a 30-minute, high intensity workout that basically turns you into a big ball of sweat, rolling on the floor gasping for breath. When I decided to take the INSANITY plunge, I ordered the […]

Skyrocket Your Income

Cash symbol beaming like a rocket to the sky

The topic of income and making more money seems to be at the top of everyone’s agenda. When I consult with practice owners, making enough money is the #1 priority for most of them and as well it should be. After all, the amount of income you create is going to allow you to survive […]

Show Me The Money!

I think everyone knows that famous scene from the movie Jerry Maguire. It is a great example of the sheer desperation people can experience when it comes to the subject of making income. Have you ever felt like that? You are an expert in your field, have the latest equipment and the best staff, your […]

How to Turn 49 Cents into $2.86 Million

Remember the McDonald’s hot coffee fiasco? A lady bought a cup of coffee, spilled it on her lap and sued. McDonalds was found liable and damages were assessed in the millions. It doesn’t take much to consider that McDonalds has “deep pockets.” Have you considered that Private Practice owners are perceived to have “deep pockets” […]

Don’t Let the Tax-Tail Wag the Dog

I have a confession. Taxes are not my favorite subject. The tax code is a complex labyrinth of opinions and verbiage which would take a lifetime of research to try and clarify. Unfortunately, in working with over 200 practice owners I can say that a vast majority of your financial complaints are due to some […]

Will That Be Cash or Charge?

Man cutting a credit card in half

In our current society it is common practice to use credit to pay for our daily life activities. Whether this is in the form of a credit card, a line of credit or a loan, it all falls into the same category: DEBT! Using credit to pay for things can sure make life easier—you don’t […]

Where’s the Beef?

Financial power

Remember that ad from Wendy’s? It made us laugh, but it also made us question the quality of the burgers we were consuming at the time. Wendy’s focused on the quality of their product and challenged the burger industry to step up or lose consumer confidence. Brilliant. Should financial planning be any different? When you […]

Preserve Your Reserves

graph pointing upwards

I do like simple things. There is no truer test of a genius then someone who can take something that is seemingly very complex and reduce it down to a simplicity. One of the reasons I admire private practice health care professionals is their ability to take a complex case with a patient, apply their […]