Results-Based Financial Metrics™ for Practice Owners
Econometry® Analytics Financial Assessments and Metrics for a Practice Owner’s Financial Plan
Financial Prosperity Index® Assessment
Practice Transition Readiness Assessment®
Financial Planning Metrics for Practice Owners
As a medical practitioner, when you’re working to restore a patient’s health, you run diagnostics, administer treatment, and monitor the results over time—and you choose those tests and therapies based on the patient’s unique needs and desired outcomes.
At Econologics Financial Advisors, we take the same approach to your financial future: first, measuring your current financial situation compared to an optimum one, then designing and implementing a custom financial plan that guides you toward financial freedom using correct metrics to track your progress.
Financial Assessments Analysis
Step 1:
Step 2:
Answer simple questions (yes, no, maybe).
Step 3:
Schedule a call to review your results and learn your next steps.
Financial Prosperity Index® Assessment
Practice Transition Readiness Assessment®
Since the practice is your most valuable asset, it needs to be managed so that it can be successfully transferred to a successor-owner for the highest amount when the time comes. Transition planning is about the journey – no matter what phase of practice ownership you are in. But how do you begin to evaluate your personal and practice transition condition?
Financial Planning Metrics for Practice Owners
Traditional financial planning methods evaluate needs and propose solutions, but don’t actually define an optimum financial condition of a household to then determine exact steps needed to achieve financial freedom – especially for practice owners. Metrics used are standard net worth statements and credit worthiness which don’t tell the whole story of your actual progress to get results.