The Fast Food Financial Advice Epidemic
We have all had this experience. We are busy working. We get hungry. We know we shouldn’t, but we just can’t help ourselves. We drive to the nearest fast food joint and get a burger, fries and soft drink. Ah. We are temporarily satisfied. Yet, in the back of our mind, we know we didn’t […]
Changing Your Financial Pace
The long-term survival of a human being, a family, a company, a nation, or a tomato plant for that matter, depends upon its ability to be more right than wrong in the actions it takes. Right actions allow the organism to survive longer, produce more, flourish, and generally have more pleasant experiences. Wrong actions result […]
A Story About Gravity
If you live on planet earth you know about the natural law of gravity. You understand the necessity of it. If you’re like me you’ve probably tested it. I remember the day I jumped off the top of my slide with an umbrella, convinced I could fly like Mary Poppins. I quickly learned that not […]
Cost of Financial Freedom
Call me old fashioned, but I love the grind. I love it when it starts getting really heavy and hard. I love it when everyone is ready to quit and throw in the towel. I love it when I get 55 reasons why something “can’t be done.” I didn’t always love it, but I sure […]
The Anatomy of Financial Ruin
Anatomy: separating or dividing into parts for detailed examination. Ruin: a. a state of complete destruction b. the state of having lost money, social status, etc. – Merriam-Webster As an advisor, I have spoken with hundreds of practice owners and I have seen them go from complete financial ruin to achieving optimum financial success and […]
Skyrocket Your Income
The topic of income and making more money seems to be at the top of everyone’s agenda. When I consult with practice owners, making enough money is the #1 priority for most of them and as well it should be. After all, the amount of income you create is going to allow you to survive […]
This Year’s To-Do-List is NOT Next Year’s Marketing Plan
It’s the New Year – A time when most of us reflect personally and professionally on what we did and did not accomplish the year prior, deciding what our new goals will be for the year ahead. We hit it hard in January with a few action steps to right our wrongs and reach for […]
Private Practice Professionals: Pay Yourself First!
Part of my responsibility as a Financial Advisor is to observe and communicate what successful actions you as a private practice professional can do to ensure your financial future is certain and secure. The first step on your journey to obtain Financial Power is to Pay Yourself First! You may ask yourself how to pay […]